Tuesday, December 18, 2012

21 Dec 2012 What does it Mean?

What 2012 Dec 21 Mean

2012 Mayan prophesies is about shift in consciousness and awakening of human intelligence to know Truth such that he can evolve to survive. It is about breaking down old thinking and human ego based on material power and Knowledge. Self-centered Modern man and his ignorance of energy and force is the cause for mismanagement and the present state of the environment and social instability. There are some simple truths that humanity should know to evolve to live in Harmony with Nature and once own self. Nature is stressing us to evolve to know truth. She will shudder till humanity awakens to Truth. Sun and its force [light/heat] unwinds, earth [matter] and its force winds or cools. The cyclic climatic change manifest when these two principle forces giving way to one another smoothly over period of time. When environmental heat is pushed up unilaterally and time period given to earth to cool is shortened it breaks the principle and design on which nature functions. This leads to Accelerated Climate Change leading huge destruction by fire/wind, flash floods/ snows and earth quakes. The end event would be huge volcanic eruptions that can cripple civilization and cool earth. Nature is not designed for human self and nations oil based economic interest and power – awaken we are on the edge. Knowledge can help us survive and enter the Golden Age – We need to review and redefine the knowledge on which we are founded and act to survive and live on. Someone help me spread the knowledge. It is life time work without self and obtained by Grace- http://www.scribd.com/doc/114273537/Climate-Change-and-Its-Relation-to-Energy