Evolving Fundamentals of Physics
Explaining Creation and Eternal Existence in Time
The Principle and Design on which Universe Works
"Imagination is more important than knowledge. Knowledge is limited to all we know and understand, while imagination embraces the entire world, and all there ever will be to know and understand” – Einstein
1] Introduction
2] Two Pillars of Physics
3] Fundamental Questions of Science
4] Exploring Nature and Life Inside-out
5] A Quick Review of Conceptual Developments In Science
6] The Foundation for the Shift - Principle and Design at Work
7] The Quantum Design of a Particle
8] Visualizing the Formation of an Atom
9] The Root of Life, Consciousness, and Creativity forming DNA
10] Three Levels of Information Exchange in Living system
11] Gravity and the Living systems
12] Basal difference between Animals and Humans – The Root of the Human mind
13] Critical flaw in our Understanding of Life
14] The Knowledge of life and Creator Force known to the Ancient East
15] Conclusion
16] Three Critical Concluding Points
1] Introduction -
[If you are time conscious, you can skip and go directly to Principle and Design]
We are living in an era of Physics and Science. Science evolved against religions. It hoped to liberate humanity from the clutches of hypocritical evil minds operating from religious institutions, enslaving people, living by their sweat and blood, amassing wealth, and aiming for power, in the name of an unseen God.
Science liberated the human mind to think and explore. Science hoped to explain the Truth of Nature and its functioning and eventually explain everything. They assumed the universe is material, kept aside God, Life, or even all the terminologies of religious scriptures uses.
Several Centuries later, if you look back the scientific development has left us with more Fundamental Questions and Paradoxes. It has made, Nature and Life complex and beyond the comprehension of the common person. It has ended up giving immense Destructive Fire Power into the hands of the same old evil hypocritical minds ruling us, from the religion/political realm.
The hypocritical religious institution in nexus with political and money/business-minded people rule Nations. They have little respect for Nature, Life in it, and even the common people. They have made the whole Earth a Market Place and made people into ZOMBIES, working and fighting for them. We now see Satanic Forces thriving in every realm of the society and Justice being denied to common people.
The people and communities have become so self, money, and material centered that they have lost the ability to feel and think. They have lost commonsense. It is commonsense that any system that is unilaterally heated would go fragile and begin to break down. We see the Earth and its Biosphere collapsing under excessive heat and dramatic fluctuations in energy. So-called Civilized Society turning Earth into a Battle Field, with all weapons of mass destruction. The weapons in hand have the potential to destroy Earth and Life in minutes. The bells of the Third World War are already ringing loud, but we are not awakening.
At the beginning of the last century, the foundation of physics broke down. A search for New Foundation has eluded physicists. A large number of physicists have leaned back to the Organic thinking and the Living Universe Vision of the East. However, they have failed to give a platform to make the decisive shift. Meanwhile, hypocritical and fanatic religious people have made a comeback trying to take over the rule of Democratic and Scientific Nations.
Religions largely speak of a Living Universe that is centered on Supreme Soul or God. The greatest scientific mind, Einstein, did perceive some depth in religious scriptures and their need for society. However, he expressed his concern about the present ones and stressed the need for evolving both science and religion. His quote “Science without religion is lame and religion without science is blind” speaks it.
The role of a religious institution and the people therein is to help humanity connect to consciousness and intelligence and to be aligned with Life Force within. It is to exalt the Life Force, within oneself and around them. It is not seeking power.
Today world over Religious friction is growing as never before. Religions are now striving to take up the seats of power of democratic and scientific nations. Religions and 1% population hold the wealth of nations and the world.
God is an inseparable aspect of Humanity for we are made in His Image. However, we have lost touch with Him. In the east, sages are striving to connect to God and Light such that the darkness in which humanity could be wiped out. In the west, people pray to God and Jesus relentlessly to return. Every prayer in this world is connected with “self-advancement” and is aimed to advance religion, house, ministry, and once Kingdom. Hardly anyone truly prays for the Kingdom of God or Light to come. Hardly anyone prays to Know Him. In this respect, I feel that Theoretical physicists are more truly God-centered.
The evil rulers ruling us from the religious, political, and money realm are ensuring that science never achieves its goal of bringing humanity out of their cusps to know their oneness beyond religions. They promote applied aspects and use scientific development in various branches to their advantage. The whole world is now has become Market Place and people are made into Zombies.
We have grown from bullock carts to supersonic Jets, from bow and arrow we have grown to self-driven and pin point-targeting weapons of mass destruction. However, our individual and social mindset remains the same. It is centered on self, money, and material wealth at all costs. When it comes to money, the majority become the Judas. We even Sacrifice God
Modern civilization has reached a Collapsing Point. We are in DEEP DARKNESS and moving towards Self- Destruction. The scenario calls for Evolving science and religions to know the Living and Sustaining Truth and bring a Shift in Thinking. It has now become critical for the survival of Humanity and the Planet Earth.
Einstein called for a Shift in Thinking. A shift in thinking calls for introspection. Max Planck said,” A Conscious and Intelligent Mind is the Matrix of Matter”. Having witnessed Two World Wars, both Max Planck and Einstein were indirectly telling us we are not Conscious and Intelligent Beings.
It is quite apparent that we are not a Conscious and Intelligent Population – For no conscious and intelligent life kills the members of its species and destroys its abode. We are made into Zombies serving the evil ruling this world.
Physicists are adamant that they need answers from the Particulate and Atomic levels. Any Shift into the Living Vision calls us to visualize Life and the Universe from Atomic and Particulate.
2] Two Pillars of Physics
Two basic Ideas form the Pillar of Physics.
1] Gravity
2] Charged Particles.
Newton could explain and account for motion and everything from his Gravity Theory and Point masses. However, the study of light and heat, and the discovery of Second Law Thermodynamics, forced theoretical scientists to evolve their thinking.
The discovery of a Second Force in a current-carrying conductor led to the discovery of Electromagnetic Force. This was followed by the discovery of Strong Nuclear and Weak Nuclear forces. Physicists could unify the Electromagnetics, Strong Nuclear, and Weak Nuclear, all of which relate to Charge and its interaction but they have failed to comprehend Gravity Force Unite it with the Charge concept.
In the first quarter of the last century, great development occurred. These developments broke the foundation of Classical Science. Physics is Split into many branches - the physics of the Big [Above Atomic], physics of the small [below atomic], linear science, non-linear science, string science, and so on. Each of them uses different mathematical languages. It led to a complex vision of Nature and the Universe. The branches of science have split and gown, but the foundation exists shaky for want of proper explanation of Creation and Eternal Existence of the Universe in Time. This has led to the return of fanatic, hypocritical religious leaders, challenging the God-given Democracy and Freedom and aiming for power.
The key issue is the inevitable Second Law of Thermodynamics and Time Direction, the exponentially increasing heat in the environment due to inferior technologies, and the failure of physicists to explain Creation and Big Bang Theory and our oneness.
Extended forward and backward in time physicists find themselves at a dead-end with NO CAUSE, for the existence of the Universe. Physicists are failing to emerge back from this Dead End and lead the world to Unity beyond Religion and bring Peace and True Prosperity to Humanity. It is failing to lead Humanity to the Golden Age or the Kingdom of God. It has allowed the same old evil and hypocritical minds to Rip Mother Earth with Greed. It has allowed the exploitation of 95% of the population by the 5%.
The need of the hour is a Civilization and Culture, which is connected to Consciousness and Intelligence and walks the path of Love, upholding Truth and Justice. We need a Shift in Thinking accompanied by New Technologies.
It is time scientists go back to review their foundation and bring a Shift in thinking and move from complexity to simplicity and unity. The key here is to “Unite the Two Pillars of Physics” and know the Conscious and Intelligence Field of God that binds everything into one
I am a biologist, and my knowledge of mathematics is poor. I am striving to unite the two pillars of science and answer many fundamental questions and paradoxes that science left behind. I share some vision and perception that accounts for all developments and help us evolve to the next level. My motive is not Conquering but Understanding. Whether it can be explained through some mathematical language, I leave it to mathematicians and Physicists.
Any delay in evolving and Shifting to a New Life Centered Thinking, could bring immense misery and destruction to Our Civilization.
3] The Fundamental Questions of Science
One can list hundreds of them. I list a few of them before going to unify the two pillars.
1] How Quantum Particles manifest, into Quantum Matter and One Quantum system.
2] How the Quantum God Particle, eternally dances, circumventing the second law of thermodynamics and giving energy and mass to the one Seed Atom and the Whole Universe.
3] Which is the center of the Universe, which moves steadily ensuring that everything else moves in rhythm. Note that we now have a Concept of Duality or a Parallel world. However, this does not deny a Singularity Phase. Thus, accounting for Big Bang from SEED ATOM and PARTICLE becomes critical.
4] How Quantum particles, or Light manifest into matter.
5] How does Gravity Force manifest and why it is a very weak force.
6] Why light is beyond Gravity, why does it have maximum speed. Note that Einstein’s world-view denies any information being transmitted above the speed of light. However, modern physicists have shown that technically information can be transferred spontaneously [Quantum Entanglement]. They are yet to comprehend the Quantum Entanglement.
7] Experiments have shown that light has both wave-like and particle-like properties. Physicists have failed to perceive this dual existence.
8] Observations have shown that the universe is expanding. It is now known that Universe is not only expanding but it is doing so in an exponentially accelerated way. This means some unknown source is adding mass and energy to the system. This has given rise to concepts like Dark Matter, Dark Energy, and so on.
9] Physicists fail to comprehend how energy and matter manifest into living matter. What is a living system, and what dies? How Life shows creativity to form the multitude of species of Life we see on Earth.
10] What is Consciousness, what is the Source of Consciousness?
11] Why the ratio of acceleration of two interacting bodies is always 3, why there are only three basic colors.
12] Why triplet code in life, why dominant and recessive genes and worlds.
The list can grow. The most important that physicists face is how the Universe Emerges from a SEED ATOM and SEED PARTICLE in Black Hole singularity. In short, it amounts to their failure to comprehend Time and in their ability to explain BIG BANG THEORY sensibly.
Science is searching for the truth from an Outside-In Approach, which has led them to Black Hole and Singularity. Let us explore it now Inside-Out. The spiritual world behind the physical.
4] Exploring Nature and Life Inside Out
Einstein, realizing his theory ends in a dead-end in the Black Hole, called out to the young generation to look deep into Nature and Life. He and Max Planck, [Father of Quantum Mechanics] eventually brought Life, Mind, and God back to physics. Max Planck said, “A Conscious and Intelligent Mind is the Matrix of Matter”. Einstein said “I want to know Mind of God – The Rest is details”
Life is a conscious and intelligent entity that works constantly to sustain a certain balance and evolves its information in response to local and as part of the Universal System. The living system works on Short-Term memory and digs deep into Root Memory when it is Stressed. In short, life works on acquired and Deep-Rooted Memory and Informations. I know this calls for elaboration. Let us not go into this at the point.
Physics does not accept consciousness, experience, and memory. It emphasizes, bottling Life, Nature, and the Universe into some Mathematical Bottles so that the Genie can be used at will. It says, “Shut up and calculate”. In this sense, science is no different from deteriorated religions, which say, “Shut up obey and believe”. The superiority of science comes from the fact that it does not divide and enslave people. It only adopted division and breakdown of matter to know the Truth of Nature, Life, and the Universe Underlying the matter – The MATRIX.
Spiritually and Philosophically great minds have accepted that there should be a Creator Force, that weaves everything [Creates], gives Life, and sustains everything. No wonder the greatest minds of physics of the last century had to bring back attention to the Mind and God-Mind. Seeking and Knowing the God Head is also the principle call of spiritual scriptures.
Let's go back to Nature and Life, introspect, go inwards and see what is at the root, that binds everything into one creation to sustain everything in time.
When I left my scientific career to be in freedom in Nature, few observations stood out.
1. The idea of Symmetry with which much of the Theoretical Physicists are obsessed is wrong. There is no symmetry in nature. There are no Constants. There is no perfect straight line or circle. The symmetry we see in Life and Nature is sustained by the constant expenditure of energy. The second law of thermodynamics speaks of loss when an energy transaction takes place. Energy is fundamental, which means the lost energy has to be restored in some way for the system to exist eternally.
2. There are only two forces in nature, one is winding to a Center and the other is unwinding from the Center. One is contracting and the other expanding. These forces seem to alternate and co-exist. Nature and Life are essentially Pulsating.
3. The unwinding gives way to winding and vice-versa at some critical point forming a Pulsating Cycle. This is reflected in the day and night cycle, the climatic cycles, and the breath of living beings. Day and Night is the energy cycle that is enclosed in the bigger climatic cycle. Still Bigger Time Cycles seem to exist ending up in a One Universal Time Cycle.
4. The Gravity and Time concept of physics directs to a center point. It accounts for winding. The question arises - What causes the unwinding. In short, the physical science that the west is exploring accounts for the Compressive Field of Nature. It fails to perceive the Opposing Force and Field to it. Einstein did attempt to introduce a Second Field and Force that opposes the Gravity Field and gives stability to the system. However, he gave up the idea, when observational proof of the expanding universe came.
5. The above points mean the assumption that the universe is material is giving only one side of the Reality of Nature. The second side that causes the expansion has remained wanting.
However, ever since the foundation of Classical Science broke down we see Theoretical Physicists slowly limping and evolving to a LIVING VISION. Now they speak of a Parallel World, Ekpyrotic Universe Scenario, and Holographic Universe. They are even contemplating using Information Theory to explain Big Bang. They are working on White Hole, which creates the escape route for the Information from the Black Hole. All these developments point to the development of a vision of a Living Conscious and Intelligence Universe centered on Supreme Soul and His Spirits. In other words GOD.
However, the much wanted to Shift to accept Gaia or the Living Vision is not happening because physicists fail to give up the old thinking.
5] A Quick Review of Conceptual Developments In Science
God is an inseparable aspect of Human Life. For we are created in His Image. The Religions speak of a God-Centered Universe. God is visualized as the Creator and Prime Mover.
The Principle of Gravity and Non-Equilibrium, on which Newton developed his Mechanical World View, sidelined the need for a Prime Mover.
Newton’s worldview is built on Point Masses. He visualizes a Center Point that has a huge mass and it moves in Uniform Steady State in a Straight Line. All other points around it are forced to move in relation to it. The one near the center moves slowly and the one away from it moves fast to keep up with the Center Point [First law of Motion]. Newton accounted for the curved motion of the planet from Non-Equilibrium in masses between the two objects that are attracted. However, his worldview broke down with the advancement of science, especially when the development in the field of Light and Heat phenomena occurred.
Newton’s Second Law of Motion said, to increase the motion of any object or point mass in the field of the Center Point, one has to apply external force. The point mass or object on which force is applied resists the external force but explodes into visible motion when the force applied exceeds and breaks its resistance. In short, he visualized a resistance and reaction from the object on which force is applied. The Motion one see is a reaction to the action. If no further force is not applied, the object comes to rest, or the system self-organizes.
Note - In Parallel World Concept, when one pushes an object from Right to Left, his counterpart in the parallel world, who is Quantum Entangled with it, should be oppositely pushing some other object.
One Must Underline and note that
1. Newton did not explain How the Basic Motion Occurs and What property gives Gravity to matter. Recall, “I frame no Hypothesis”.
2. He did not address forces below the critical needed to cause motion in the object. This aspect was addressed by non-linear science that was discovered in the last century. Now must phenomenon in nature is understood to be non-linear. Even physicists are increasingly drawn to explain the Universe from Non-Linear Point.
The advancement in light and heat phenomena and the challenges faced gave way to Einstein, who Introduced his Relativistic World View, including the Second Law of Thermodynamics. He adopted Riemann’s Geometry, which deals with curvature. This gave rise to the Black Hole, Singularity, and Big Bang Theory, which has remained the Biggest Paradox in Science. The Black Hole is known to destroy Space-time, matter, and Energy thus leaving a Question “What Banged at Big Bang”.
Physics became complex after Einstein and Werner Heisenberg’s Uncertainty Theory. I have attempted to picture the great developments in Science in the following figures.
Newton overlooked the discrepancy in actual distance traveled and measured one, saying it is negligible in point-to-point movement. Einstein was more correct, but both Newton’s and Einstein’s mathematics worked equally in the prediction of the motion of an object. However, Heisenberg's work showed that one cannot predict the motion accurately, thus came the “Chaos and Order World View”.
One must know the steps involved in Quantum Action on a system, resulting in observed motion. The figures below express it. There is resistance to action. The force builds up and when it reaches a critical point, the resistance breaks, and the action and reaction manifest.
The following figure is an expression of the same in terms of the winding and unwinding process. Between the Second and Third points, uncertainty and struggle manifest within the system. At the Third Point, the system breaks down and goes into Re-organization. We see it as resultant motion. What happens inside the system could be understood from the Charge realignments.
The system can show creativity and resist the external force in the uncertainty phase before it tends to the third critical point. However, when it is pushed to the Third Critical Point it has to go into Re-Organization of Self-Organization.
Our Universe is a Self-Organizing System and we are now caught in one such Self-Organization Phase, we need New Thinking to evolve, adapt and survive is the main point I strive to bring forth.
Following, Newton, Einstein, and Heisenberg, many views have emerged such as Creationism, Intelligent Design, Parallel World, Holographic, and so on. None of them have appealingly incorporated all developments in Science and emerged as One Complete Simple Theory.
6] The Foundation for the Shift
Principle and Design at Work.
The problem with the modern scientific world is that
1. It is distanced from the Life and Nature in which we live. An important observation one can make in nature is that when Gravity and Time in the material world are directed to a Center Point and collapse, a living system works against it. It transforms Gravity into Anti-Gravity in its Inner Space. The living Kingdom produces the mass that opposes Gravity. The Second Law of Thermodynamics is applied to the living system and the material system shows this opposition.
2. The only exception is Adult Humans, who live a mind-centered life, aligned with the material world and its Force. No wonder Einstein Called for a Change in Mindset and expressed the need to know the Mind of God. To know the God-Head is also the primary call of Spiritual Scriptures. This however is impossible, when the Universal Time Cycle is in Down Phase. This calls for Divine Intervention – I discussed this in the previous write-up. This means the Earth, which inhabits Life, and we the Human Beings with a Mind are at the Center of the Universe. Our individual and collective thoughts and actions count. The CENTRAL PROBLEM is our individual and collective thought are Self, material, and Power centered, not LIFE-CENTERED
3. Modern science has not identified and visualized a BASIC PRINCIPLE and DESIGN for the Particle [Basic Building blocks] that facilitate it to dance and show spinning/displacement motion. It has failed to find a principle governing the formation of atoms, various systems, and the whole Universe. Modern physicists have visualized that there is a Central Particle to Atom [God Particle]. God particle they say gives mass, and energy to all other particles and sustains the atoms from collapsing. However, it fails to comprehend how Atom overcomes the Second law of Thermodynamics.
Here I share my observation and Revelation. Hoping the world would awaken before huge destruction and misery occur on earth. The Earth is in an Unstable State and the modern world is edging to the THIRD WORLD WAR, with all the weapons of mass destruction in hand.
The Key to Evolving Science is to know the LIVING TRUTH is to know how the Principle and Design of the Particle, how it Dances and forms atoms, and the complex systems like living systems with a Mind
7] The Quantum Design of a Particle.
Here is the Design of the Particle that helps it dance and move in Space. It includes all the conceptual perceptions of Particle that physicists have. We are visualizing here a string with positive and negative ends or simply two charged particles. Visualize they exist in RATIO 4:3 see Fig below.
Note – Lines of force in the Newtonian world are expressed in a straight line. When it comes to Einstein the perception changes into a curved one.
Motion here is Dimensionless Three Step Spiral Compression, followed by Expansion. The compression is initiated by the dominant in a quest to find equilibrium, but the NON-EQUILIBRIUM DESIGN and the QUANTUM NATURE OF ENERGY TRANSFER deny equilibrium.
It leads to two states and the Quantum Dance. The non-equilibrium design causes the particle to spin and move in a curved manner in Space. It manifests into a vibration. Since it has no opposition in three-dimensional space [see fig]. It vibrates with Maximum Speed. It accounts for Light particles that move with maximum speed. The particle is one-dimensional with two free dimensions in our three-dimensional space.
Note- When the Particle is in Compressive State, the forces are directed to the center. When it is in expanding state the forces are directed the opposite way away from each other. This can account for WAVE-PARTICLE DUALITY.
Now we can visualize a pair for this particle that has opposite spin. Now we can visualize a Quantum Entangled Pair. See Fig.
Important Note – A free Particle or Charge can compress and expand creating a spin and motion at the maximum speed towards the opposite driven by instinct to seek a higher state of equilibrium. The motion is Spiral. In a current-carrying conductor, it creates an oscillation sending energy to the opposite, such that an equilibrium can be reached. It means there is a flow of energy or charge in both ways. The motion here is spiral. This instinct to seek equilibrium attracts the two parallel worlds. We are seeing Gravity Force Here. We have to imagine a drill here at work. A drill cannot move ONE BIT unless the opposite object yields and spirals within towards it
Let us review the discovery of Electro-magnetic force. The following two figure explains it
The first figure shows the school-level experiments that showed the presence of a second force called Electromagnetic Force acting at right angles to the current-carrying conductor. The second figure accounts for the phenomenon when we look at the charged particle or energy moving in Spiral Manner. The wrong perception was a TURNING POINT into Complexity.
Gravity and Time Spiral Compressing to a Center Point. We have to visualize a Second Field and Force opposing it. Without it, Nature and the Universe can not exist. When we associate ourselves with the material world we see only a Force taking us into a Black Hole. However, when we dissociate from the Physical World and get into the Spiritual we See Two Spirits working see Fig. One working with the material world and its Force the Other Against it. Modern science is yet to discover the field and force that is acting against Gravity.
Physical Nature constantly orients to singularity in Black Hole. However, the Spiritual world resists it. Einstein’s Gravity Theory Point Black Hole and Singularity. Einstein from his one-sided thinking saw a dead end. Modern Science is caught in Dead End. Physicists now realize that we are in a Black Hole. They realize that this Black Hole is tending to Great Disorder and Destruction. They have given up hope for humanity and Earth and even given a call to leave Earth and populate other planets.
Looking at the world we live in, even common sense tells us that we live in a Black Hole of Ignorance and we moving into self-destruction. Many scientists have warned of impending catastrophes as the heat of the environment increases. However, the religion/politics and the rich business who control nations and the world are failing to listen. That is an ominous signal of the Great Tribulation ahead for Humanity.
We must discover the force and field that is resisting the system from falling into the Black Hole and getting irreversibly lost. We need to align with this force to evolve and make a Shift from the Dark Age to the Age of Light – Which is discussed in the previous write-up.
8] Visualizing the Formation of an Atom
Einstein equation E=m[C×C], means the simplest matter or mass [H-atom] is formed from the collision of two light particles moving in the opposite directions. This means there are Parallel Worlds or Two Worlds, that contribute light and gives rise to mass.
The above figure is a simplistic Newtonian presentation. The reality is that particle spins in opposite direction and moves in an opposing spiral manner. If these particles are equal and opposite, they cancel. This means we need to imagine a non-equilibrium ratio [4:3] between the two. See Fig.
One can perceive here instinctive force acting to centralize and neutralize. The formation of the Atom creates a Centralization of forces. The non-equilibrium, between the two particles, means, that some charge is open for interaction as the atom Quantum Dances. This accounts for the Gravitational Attraction between two masses [Atoms] and their motion [Brownian motion]. We now see a Simple Explanation of Gravity based on the Charge.
It also accounts for the Neutral Mass in an Atom. The hydrogen atom is a two-dimensional system, with one free dimension, that gives it the ability to bond with other Atoms. One can imagine here two possible Hydrogen atoms, One Right winding, and another Left winding. We may not be able to differentiate it. However, the existence of H2 molecules speaks and proves it. This also means that there should be four worlds to create two hydrogen atoms
Important Note - At this point, it is important to know that the atoms are formed not from a particle that comes from the diagonally opposite part. The pair of Atoms are formed by light particles coming at right angles. See Fig
The structure of a simple Hydrogen Atom
Important Points to Note – Visualizing Atom
· Much of the Charges on Collison get Neutralized. Thus we have a Neutral Mass in atoms and a Strong Nuclear Force.
· Non-Equilibrium Design means some Charge is not neutralized. Thus we have a Positive Dominant Center and a Negative Recessive Shell for an atom. An electromagnetic force acts between them leading to a Centralized Quantum Dancing existence. The Design helps atoms to wind and unwind. This exposes the charge momentarily on the Vertical spin axis and Horizontal axis that binds with its pair. This gives the Gravitational Mass and Force to atoms. The Gravitational Force or mass can be visualized as the effect of the non equilibrium Quantum Dance and the Spin. As energy is supplied to the system, the dance on the spin axis increases so also the mass.
Important Point – What this means heat can make matter or material systems fragile and increase the mass.
· Earlier we saw that particles not only compress and expand on the spin axis but also show a lateral movement in relation to Quantum Entangled Pair, from Parallel World. Similarly when H-atom Quantum Dances on its spin axis, it also exerts lateral force in relation to its Pair through its center. This force is the basis of Molecular Bond Formation. One can find the source of Weak Nuclear Force in it.
· We now see all Four Forces explained from a basic Principle and Design.
9] The Root of Life, Consciousness, and Creativity forming DNA
We are quite aware that a helium atom originates, when two hydrogen atoms, fuse. Here one is right winding and the other left winding fuse See Fig. This is what we know is the source of Energy to Planet Earth.
The H- atoms involved in the formation of the helium atom must have a similar ratio relationship. See Fig. Its structure is similar to H-atom but has 6 layers in the middle in 3 pairs of different strengths. In its compressed and stable state, it develops an INNER SPACE, that is closed but amenable to the opening in three steps.
Note - The INNER SPACE becomes the Spiritual or Energy axis, with two poles, around which the two atoms are held as one.
Important Note - The Quantum Dance and the basic motion is pulsation, which is associated with a spin and displacement.
The inert atoms also are forced to Quantum Dance and show pulsating existence. It opens and closes, exchanging information with the surroundings and the universe of which it is part. Recall basic Motion and the First Law of Newton.
Important Points- The formation of the Helium atom speaks of
1. Centralization of force and polarization.
2. Here too one can imagine right winding and left winding helium atoms, which means there are more worlds or multiple worlds, contributing light or particles to form atoms.
3. Helium atoms fill the three-dimensional space and have the least freedom for bonding ordinarily. The only freedom they have is in the Spin Axis. Time here is directed to the spin or energy axis by which it is connected to the Universe. In terms of energy, one can visualize it as increased potential energy at the cost of decreased Kinetic Energy.
4. The helium atom is referred to as INERT ATOMS. They are quite stable. They only respond to heat-induced winding and unwinding.
5. The most important aspect is that they have an INNER SPACE, that is amenable to three-step opening or closing, exchanging information with spin or energy axis.
6. Inert atoms are known to respond to heat-induced winding and unwinding. Here they open up the Inner Space
7. When such winding and unwinding stress reaches the second critical limit and enters the Uncertainty Phase, there comes a point when the two components forming the helium atom open up gaining the ability to form bonds. This can help resist the Gravity and Time force acting on it, disturbing its equilibrium. This can account for the formation of DNA Molecule and Life See figure. In short, Inert Atoms forms the SEED of LIFE
8. Very Very Very important Point – The ROOT OF CONSCIOUSNESS
The inner space of the inert atom can be visualized as the Conscious Space and Intelligent Space of life, where Gravity force is transformed into Anti-Gravity Force.
It records all the Information it developed to survive. In short, the Inner Space of Inert Atom or Seed of Life holds the MEMORY of all the Information of the System. It forms the CONSCIOUS and INTELLIGENT SPACE of the living system.
One can imagine the root of the Virus and evolved Single-celled organisms such as bacteria to inert Helium Atoms and their struggle to sustain the equilibrium. The fact that there can be right and left winding helium atoms means the duality [males and female] exists and they are communicated. This may not be distinctive to our observation.
We can visualize right winding and left winding Helium atoms forming a molecular Pair, with Two Inner Spaces, one right winding, and the other left winding. These two Inner Spaces communicate directly giving Higher Potential to survive in Universe where time directs to Black Hole or Increased Potential Energy and Decreased Kinetic energy [See Fig]. This can be visualized as the foundational aspect of Plantlife, where males and females coexist and communicate and survives.
In short, I am presenting or Proposing that the Living World is built on Inert Atoms and the Inner Space in these Atoms plays a Vital Role as the Conscious and intelligent Space, where MEMORY and Information are Stored.
I understand these are wild imaginations. The scientific world strives to look deep into the building blocks. It is part of my attempt as a biologist to look deep to find the basic atomic root of life, how it possibly functions as a dynamic unit, and explain the Creative Capacity as they are stressed to a near-critical state. These are DEEP Thoughts.
10] Three Levels of Information exchange and Revival in the Living system
All living constantly strives for balance and adapt to the minute changes in the environment in which it lives. This means it is quite aware of changing time and energy status of the environment.
Recall the three steps of Quantum Action and Reaction. I visualize that at the first critical point the Inert atom compresses and expands, exchanging information with the Energy axis. We can visualize this s Breath. This is the First level of Information exchange and Revival.
When the system is stressed to the Second Critical Point, it enters the Uncertainty Phase, it is forced to exchange the information between the Left and Right and realign their physical balance. This is Mitotic or Physical Renewal. This is the Second Level of Information Exchange and Revival.
When Time stresses it to the Third Critical Point and beyond it to the Fourth Phase it collapses and dissolves into the Universal system of which is its Part. However, life does ensure that the Information persists, through the Reproductive and Creation process, that takes place in the Ekpyrotic Way. Here one world reduces and its information pierces the other and Unites to Create New Body for the Information to survive. The Old body now disintegrates. This is the Third Level of Information Exchanges, which amounts to conquering Time and Death.
These DEEP THOUGHTS are inclusive of what is subtly written in spiritual scriptures. It is also associated with many Applied and Technological Possibilities. These Deep Thoughts were associated with a living Vision unfolding in me. In a material-centered world, where God is sold to make money, I could not penetrate the world to bring these thoughts to the world. The life in me prompted me to strive to reach out to the world, whenever I saw huge misery to humanity and Earth crumbling under human greed. I still keep striving; this is another attempt as the world stands on the cusp of Third World War
Money material aspect is important. I am no exception to it. But some force deep within me was driving me to pursue and put the fundamentals and foundation right. I was seeing a certain dead-end to which humanity as a whole is leading itself. That made me put all my energy into the Fundamentals and the Need to Awaken Humanity to connect to the consciousness, become intelligent to discern the madly self and material centered minds leading the world to a catastrophic end.
The creativity of Inert Atoms can be put into experimental verification and inert atoms can be explored as a future energy solution for the world. But the Key to the Shift and survival on planet Earth exists in Humanity Awakening to His consciousness and intelligence and knowing the Life Force within and Outside that binds everything into one.
As a biologist and bio technologist handling cells in tissues in the test tube and triggering them to produce a completer organism [ Cloning Life], I have noted that, if cells are sustained with basic input to live and given appropriate triggers they can manifest into whole life. Plant species are Toti-Potent and are comparatively easy. However, in animals that have distinctive males and females, it calls for de-nucleating the egg cell and replacing it with a nucleus taken from a vegetative cell.
However, closer observation of cells and tissues in a test tube made me feel that information is dynamic and prone to Change Qualitatively and in Quantum Manner in an unpredictable way. It became increasingly clear to me that, my intervention to manipulate a Life can backfire. It is an infringement on life’s inherent working to connect to nature and the Universe and Evolve to Survive.
The industry called cloning and genetic engineering is done with the assumption that the Information in life [Gene] is stable. It is being done without knowing the Dynamic Nature of Genes and their Functioning as Groups. Modern man is unaware of how, Life and Nature are related and function as One Quantum Dynamic Unit.
Every researcher who is truly researching and working for the greater good of humanity and life on planet earth does get this feeling “ALL IS NOT WELL”. Most people have survived in this field against once own consciousness, but many top people have left and are speaking against, biotechnology and genetic engineering. I left my career and lucrative offers, for I could not work against my consciousness. Most importantly, Mother Nature was calling me to explore Deep into Her and Life.
11] Gravity and Living System
A Very Very Very important point, one must take note, gravity concept has a single direction, either Right Winding or Left Winding not both. This means one of the spin orientations in the paired atom orients opposing gravity. The living species, whatever it is, has to exist paying price and eventually collapse. Thus, death becomes inevitable to anything that takes birth. The Birth and Death Co-Exist, one giving way to the other. A living species do survive Gravity and Time by the process of evolving creating a New One out of the Black Hole [Reproduction].
But this does not help if the whole universe is tending to Death. Thus comprehending the Big Bang Theory has become Critical for Physicists and Religious people. No wonder Pope Francis, the biggest religious leader of the west said, “God is Not a Magician” and gave a call to a Theoretical Physicist to decipher Big Bang sensibly. He even called his people Hypocritical and indirectly pointed to the fact that the religion called Christianity has grown on Dirty and Blood Money and gave a call not to build churches on Dirty Money. However, the system is in not willing to listen.
In short, Gravity is the Dominant aspect of Nature and the Universe. It invariably means everything in it has to be sustained by a Price. Good News is this price is already paid.
Deciphering Black Hole, Singularity, and Origin from a point becomes critical. The Existence of Earth and Life on Planet Earth relates to it. A black Hole has to be understood as a Hole that somehow CONQUERS TIME and initializes the whole Universal System into NEW TIME CYCLE. The only way out is to visualize it from consciousness, intelligence, and information.
The Big Collapse was directed at One Supreme Person of God Himself. It was averted 2020 years back in the Spiritual Realm. We are yet to see this reality in the Physical. Physicists know this. We are in an accelerated expansion state to the periphery, where the system initializes into New Time Cycle. A New Time was conceived in the Black Hole and it has been growing since then. What we are experiencing is the Birth Pangs.
Points to Note
Above thinking in simplicity answers many complex fundamental questions of physics. A non-equilibrium Ratio Design is fundamental to nature at all levels, so also Parallel Worlds. Without non-equilibrium and Parallel World Reality, there cannot be a flow and associated motion. There have to be two worlds; one dominant the other recessives that receive. Since energy can only be transferred in Quantum Manner, once the flow occurs, the ratio is reversed, and the Reverse cycle starts. How this is happening on a cosmic scale is what we are failing to comprehend. One must recall here that Einstein in his autobiography proposed to change the Constant of Physics, which are numbers, with some form of Ratio that can change constantly readjusting the system. The need of the hour is to know not only this but also how this ratio reverses.
The idea represented speaks of the Uniqueness of particles and Systems. It gives Great Particle [GREAT GOD PARTICLE- FATHER], in association with Pair [ MOTHER], forming a SEED ATOM. This then fuses with similar but lesser Atoms to form the Inert Atoms [Living Atoms] with Inner Space. What this means, there is a Unique Energy Identity to particles, atoms, and systems formed from the atoms. It means there is a maximum and minimum.
UNIQUE ENERGY IDENTITY to particles, atoms, and systems in nature, is an unquestionable philosophy, it is very is proven by Max Planck’s works and is a widely used technology. There is nothing in physics, which can counter it.
Similarly, Einstein proved that there is UNIQUE SPACE-TIME IDENTITY to an OBSERVER. This simply amounts to a philosophy that each point in Space of this Universe is Unique and that it is related to CENTER POINT in the Universe. It means every individual, his Mind is Unique, and it is linked to One Central Individual and His Mind.
No wonder, Max Planck ended up saying “A Conscious and Intelligent Mind is the Matrix of Matter” and Einstein ended up saying, “I want to know the Mind of God- the rest is details”. Einstein went on to give a call to look deep into Nature and Life, and bring a Shift in Mindset. However, the world preoccupied with materialism and aligned material force has gone ahead creating the Hell of Earth.
The mind is not the Center of the living system. It is only the center of the physical body. The actual center exists in the inner realm, which feels and beats. You cannot Know God’s Mind without Knowing God’s Heart. The modern world seeks it, at the Particulate and Atomic-level. In short, it seeks it at the energy and matter level.
Einstein did perceive some hidden truth in religions. Before he finished his journey, he called the next generation to evolve science such that it Unite it with Religions. He said, “Science without Religion is Lame and Religions without Science is Blind”. My argument in the previous write-up is the Blind is leading the World to anarchy and destruction. Science is lame but it is evolving.
Science needs a Reference Point or Constants. Similarly, the foundation of all religions keeps God a reference point. It calls us to keep Faith in Him and grow in Him to know the God Head and acquire the Knowledge and Wisdom and bring Life and Light to Earth. The problem with the modern world is that it has many gods and fails to know One Supreme God. There is an evil force in the system that resists Humanity Seeing One God and emerging from Darkness to Light, from Death to Life, from Ignorance to Knowledge and Wisdom.
12] The Basal Difference between Animals and Humans
The root of Origin of Mind
From our above thinking, we now can comprehend the formation of various atoms of the Periodic Table as an extension of the collision of light particles. In the Periodic Table, we come across other inert elements, such as Neon, Argon, Krypton, Xenon, Radon, and Organe. These are structures, with an inner helium atom with an external cover.
Very clearly, these inert atoms also should be able to express creativity and manifest life. Here my interest rested on Neon and Argon. My imagination led me to figure them as central atoms working behind Animal and the Human Kingdom.
Humans we all know have a thinking mind, which makes mental constructs and lives by it. An adult human mind disconnects from the inner world and gets easily associated with the external material world. It develops Ego, Self, and even extreme materialism and relies on the power of the material world. It associates itself with the physical body than the inner world.
In short, humans stand quite different from other animals. We assume ourselves as highly conscious, intelligent evolved animals. In reality, we are the least conscious, intelligent beings. No intelligent species would kill its species and destroy its abode. Thus, Humans mind and its root called for attention
Neon and Argon have configurations, where there is an inner Helium atom with an external cover of Charges forming the body. It has an inner Helium atom that is free to rotate within the external cover. This explains the freedom to move. The creativity of these inert atoms building DNA happens over the body covering the inner helium atom.
Deep Thoughts and Visions pointed to the external cover of Argon, developing a SECOND SPACE, similar to the inner space of a helium atom. I could perceive this as the Root of Mind in the Adult Humans. Once this mind matures, it tends to lose connection with the inner Conscious and intelligent world where Life Force works. It begins to think the external material world is real and leads an illusionary life. It develops an ego, self, and extreme material centeredness. This is the Forbidden Path.
This disconnection creates fear; it ends up creating many walls of protection. The role of religious/spiritual institutions is to resist this disconnection. When they deteriorate everything else deteriorates. Thus in all scriptures, God finds His people responsible for the fall of the Kingdom of God. Logically it means the Restoration calls for God’s intervention. This is what we discussed in the previous write-up.
Max Planck said the Mind is the Matrix of Matter. Considering Parallel Worlds, we see Two Minds. One of the Male and the other of the female. Our society interprets the male mind as superior and the female as Inferior. This separation of superior and inferior becomes the cause for frictions in the family in a society that lives mind-centered life. Here male tries to dominate the Female, the Female Tries to Dominate the Male. This disturbs the peace of individuals, families, and communities and its progress.
The spiritual scriptures do give guidelines on how the male and female relationship should exist. However, it is interpreted in the wrong ways. Bible tells that men and women are created in His Image as Male and Female. This means that God the Father and Mother exist between them. One needs to look at the other through the eyes of God. Life then becomes a Dance with God. To understand it one can visualize one fertilized Egg dividing into two. Here one cell is not dying it is living through the two cells.
God the Creator exists within all. It is like one cell giving rise to a system with trillions of cells. All of them carry the same DNA. However, functions differ, which means the Information is truncated. However, is amenable for recovery and expression. Cloning of Life speaks it.
The Indian Spiritual scriptures say the Whole Universe is One Family [Vasudaiva Kutubakum]. The following figure speaks it. Bible says we are all one In Jesus Christ and His Spirit. The following figure speaks it.
We are in an Information Era. Here physicists are working to explain the Universe and the Big Bang Theory from the Information Point of View. The living system works on Consciousness, intelligence, and Information. When Life needs to survive Time and Death. It reduces and Unites in the Black Hole, and the united Information exposes itself as TEMPLATE to develop a New Body in which consciousness, intelligence, and Information survive.
Physicists working on String Theory already speak of the “Ekpyrotic Universe Scenario” to explain the Big Bang and Singularity. Here they speak of one world shrinking and piercing the other and emerging out to start a New Time Cycle.
In the previous write-up, I have striven to explain that we are in the Singularity Point in Black Hole. Consciousness, Intelligence, and Information from the Parallel world became One in One Supreme Human and God. When this Supreme Human and God, Sacrificed Himself, He became not only the food to sustain life, but also Spirit that Creates and Restores.
The Spirit released through the Great Sacrifice returned to conceive the Divine Plan and do its work of Restoration on the 50th day. This means God dissolved His Kingdom such that He Could Recreate and Restore everything to the initial state with free will to all Souls. It means God the Father and Mother unfolded their consciousness, intelligence, and information as templates, for the Recreation and Restoration.
This Supreme Human and God or Jesus by His sacrifice unfolded God the Mother’s and Father’s Consciousness and Intelligence and Information field as a New Template for Conquering Time and Death to the Universe and Initialize everything into a New Time Cycle. This means we are in the Creation and Restoration Phase. In other words, we are in Time Conquering and Time Initialization Phase. We are poised for a Shift from the Old into a New Time Cycle.
In the previous write-up, I have striven to argue that the Divine Plan is a concealed plan unfolding from within the Black Hole [womb]. It is the Unfolding of Consciousness and Intelligence of the God. It seems to have reached the Birthing Point. What we are witnessing is the Birth Pangs.
In this Creation, Phase the Mother is sustaining us. Both Father and Mother God are pointing to the FIRSTBORN SON, who became a Sacrifice for the sake of the Kingdom of God to manifest here on Earth. This not happening because we are failing to look deep into the First Born, and are repeatedly falling for DARK FORCES operating on Earth making Earth into a Hell.
The efforts of the physicists to know the Truth of Nature and the Universe could be visualized as the effort of one who is created in God’s Image. Being separated in the initial moment [ See previous Fig] and being paired with the Mother, he is looking deep into the physical by breaking the physical. The west and its scientific quest have ended in a Black Hole, are failing to comprehend the Black Hole, and are failing to know the Truth and Oneness.
A better approach existed in the east, where Sages Transcended the Mind and explored the inner realm and beyond. The Knowledge they acquired was superior. However, its glory was lost when successive generations used the knowledge for “self”. Consequently, darkness invaded. Indian Spiritual Philosophy speaks of Sages meditating lifelong to connect to God and bring back Life and Light to humanity. It tells that all of them failed. In my previous write-up, I pointed out that where everyone failed One Supreme Man achieved it. He was born in the History of the Time Cycle to defeat Darkness and Bring Light and Life to Earth.
13] The Critical flaw in our Understanding of Life
As a Biologist working in Cell, and Tissue culture and trying to control its genetic expressions [Biotechnologies], I began to feel a critical flaw in our understanding of genes and Information. The Classical Thinking that still underlines Biotechnology is One Gene and One Trait. This appeared a big flaw. I found that Genes are somehow Dynamic in Space. See Fig.
My Deep Thoughts, helped by Grace concluded that Gene does not exist in pairs. At the most fundamental level, they exist as 2 Pairs. Assuming Quantum Entangled Parallel World, it exists 4 Paired Units in Three Dimensional Space.
When we attribute Neon and Argon atoms as the foundational atom of animals and the Human Kingdom, then the genes are formed in the external body. Now the dynamic unit information takes more numbers. The neon atom should have a dynamic information unit with 16 pairs [32 genes] and the Human should have 32 pair Units [64 Genes] forming a Unit of Dynamic Information. These groups of genes working as a unit should be connected with other similar units to form the complex dynamic information system controlling life and its activities
This possibly should explain the Paradox encountered by scientists working on Human Genome Project. When the Human Genome Project was done, scientists surprisingly found that the number of genes in mice and humans was nearly the same. This is surprising because Humans have a large number of traits and characteristics when compared to mice. It gave a blow to the One Gene and One Trait Hypothesis or One Gene and One Enzyme hypothesis.
Biology and its foundational thinking have been changing in tune with changes in the physical world and its perception. Biologists visualized life as a machine whose parts could be dismantled and assembled as they wish. They visualized Gene as a Predictable Unit and assumed that one can manipulate them to Design New Species, create babies with chosen characters, and so on.
As Relativity Theory emerged, then ecology and environment called for attention and they spoke broadly of environmental pressures playing a role in gene expression. Epigenetics now tells that genes do not control life. External factors influence Gene Expression. The environment can cause changes that affect the way our genes work. Unlike genetic changes, epigenetic changes are reversible and do not change your DNA sequence, but they can change how your body reads a DNA sequence. It means the Dynamics of Gene functioning can change. Life sciences say that a living system works only on a few percent of genes and the majority are junk genes. The potential of a living system is vast, but we are truncated by our, religious confinements our thought, and our education system.
In short, the energy, the sound, the words, and the people their thoughts, their cultures everything has power, and it affects the health and functioning of life and society. All of them are being used in a largely negative and self-centered way to control humans, and their thinking and rule them keeping them as slaves. Intelligent evil hearts and minds are working to control earth and humanity. They creep into power centers and take control.
Scriptures and their words have power; unfortunately, they are spoken with self-centered motives. Most people who are anointed seem to fall for the bait of Satan as they become self and material-centered. I am not judging anyone working in the spiritual field. The fact that Evil Heart and Minds are thriving in the global society speaks for it.
A world-famous Atheist Richard Dawkin wrote in His book “The Selfish Gene” that we are in the feedback loop favoring the evil and that there is nothing called Good and God here. From my physical eyes and the mind seeing the outside world, I have to agree with Richard Dawkin. However, I had an accidental New Birth Experience in the Spirit of God and experienced the “Selfless Gene”. I am seeing Light and Life growing with the DEEP DARKNESS. It is bound to break all the veils and lead Humanity to Light and Life. The Divine Plan is Unbreakable.
14] The Knowledge of life and Creator Force known to the Ancient East
The knowledge of Life and the Creator Force is known to the East is simple. They perceived an inner space that heals and renders health, knowledge, and Wisdom. They perceived this space as the one that links everything into one, It Creates and sustains everything. See Fig.
Ancient Indian Sages of the East stressed education that helps people transcend the mind and connect to the inner world of once own consciousness and intelligence, then go ahead to connect to the Universal or God Space. The modern world controlled by the west in contrast thinks the opposite. It relay on the Mind that is connected to the limited space and the material world to gain knowledge and wisdom of Life, Nature, and the Universe
The west gives much importance to the power of the body and the mind. In contrast, the East gives importance to the Soul. The East knew the truth that Life-force operating within is very powerful and is capable of healing the body and revitalizing it. This is not rocket science, but commonsense. Life is bestowed with the time when the body and mind sleep, but the Heart and the Life-force work. Sleep much like the four phases of Quantum Action, has four stages. Hardly any adult mind sleeps in the third and fourth phase, where many cleaning and healing works happen. Our Nature similarly has a sleeping phase [Night]. However, in the modern world, in our material greed, we have intruded into this phase and upset this cycle.
Ancient India and its religions were democratic. It allowed people the freedom to choose the teacher, the culture, and God to worship. It had many gods but the emphasis was to know One GODHEAD. The teacher shows the way. However, after a point, he leaves the student to grow and connect to the Ultimate. It emphasizes a detachment from the material world to know the inner realm. It says it is impossible to know God the Creator, one’s effort but writes that God comes in Search and Reveals to whom He chooses. There is a Purpose. Associated with it.
The same is written in the Scriptures of the west [Bible]. However, is interpreted with convenience and is exploited. Jesus tells His disciples that no one who is attached to money and material aspect will see the Kingdom of God. Jesus claims He is the way to God and He and God are One. His Primary call was to be in prayer and Receive His Spirit.
Our Picture of God is that of a powerful personality that fights evil. However, in the case of Jesus, we see no war but surrender in faith and becoming the Greatest Sacrifice and showing the way. He was in an Absolutely Enlightened and Empowered State as He did the Sacrifice. With it, the parallel and multiple worlds dissolved into One Consciousness and Intelligent Field, and the DIVINE PLAN of Recreation and Restoration. The world is yet to realize this Divine Plan.
Calvary is a Science of Conquering Time and the initialization of the system into the New Time Cycle, with free will to all souls. Unfortunately most today are exploiting God’s Grace and Working against His Spirit. Scriptures say Satan or Devil has an uncanny capacity to creep into power centers and pollute the realm. Jesus exalted his “Selfless Gene”, and we humans are exalting “Selfish Gene” and are caught in a feedback vortex that is inching to Great Destruction.
Knowing Calvary as a Science
Jesus fits more into the picture of a Sage in the mold of the East. The hidden 18 years of Life Speaks. He achieved what the sages in the East failed. He was an appointed Individual in the History of the Universal Time Cycle born for the very Purpose and Act He Did.
He carried the Consciousness and Intelligence of God the Mother and Father and all the Information from the Beginning of Time. Through meditation, he came to this awareness, giving him the right to be called a Supreme Human. From the fact He Carried the Consciousness and Intelligence of God the Mother and the Father, He becomes God the Supreme. The following figures speak it.
Jesus manifested at a point in Universal Time Cycle when it was entering into the fourth or the last phase, which is called Dark Age in Indian Philosophy. With his Sacrifice He unfolded, the Consciousness and intelligence of God the Father, Mother into Recreation and Restoration. Every Soul was Freed, Including the Evil ones. Free will was given to all souls.
There is nothing in Physics that denies a huge amount of energy getting concentrated in one Soul, One atom, and One Particle. In short, Calvary is the BIG BANG POINT. We are in an expansive state since Calvary. We have been under His Grace. We are now fast reaching another limit at the Periphery, where we out to be seeing His Mind Revealing. The hope for the world, which is fully in the grip of the evil, self, and material-centered minds, who have made this Earth into Hell, exists in this.
The evil souls are ruling the Earth. They use Common People’s weaknesses for material aspects. Evil has an uncanny capacity to creep into the minds and take control. Thus we see the Pentecostal and Charismatic movement becoming material prosperity gospel, instead of the Gospel of Light, Life, and Knowledge of Wisdom from God.
The importance of Spirituality
God is a Lifeforce and light that works against gravity field, its light and matter. Gravity field, light, and matter forces we saw can be right winding or left winding not both. Earth appears to be the center to which it points.
Physicists seek the Universe in an Atom. An atom has a negative cover that seeks the positive center. The Positive Center takes the force and transforms it back. Thus leading to pulsating existence. How it happens to deny the Second Law of Thermodynamics is the Greatest Question. The Answer to it cannot come without including life. Life ensures that it Conquers Time and Death by a process in which Father the Creator and giver of Life, Conceives in the womb [Black Hole], to create restore, and survive the Time and Gravity force.
Physicists tell us we are in a Black Hole. It is seeking a White to Emerge from it. Jesus is the White Hole. He is not an object of religion. He is a Science of Re-Creation and Restoration. Physicists today tell that there have been many Big Bangs in the past. This has to be interpreted as Consciousness and Intelligence of the Creator Unfolding to Singularity State and Enfolding to Create the Duality. This is the Birth of the Kingdom of God Earth.
All Life we saw is conscious and intelligent and opposes, this converting gravity. into anti-gravity-force in its inner space. Earth also is designed to oppose it. This means all living systems support Earth. The Exception is adult humans, who live by their minds and are disconnected from their inner realm where Life Force works. The human mind tends to align with matter and Gravity, especially so when the Universal Time Cycle is in a down phase favoring dark and evil forces.
When human thought and action are self and material-centered, it spirals energy into external space. A spiral force going forth from earth does bring the energy from the external world. Recall the Spiral motion of the electric charge. This explains the increased energy coming to Earth from the Sun. There is no way our Earth and life on planet earth including us can survive with our present material mindset and technologies that are releasing so much heat and radiation into the environment.
The Ancient East understood that there are Two Forms of Heat. One that destroys life and the other that Broods Life into Existence. When ancient Sage went inwards and was able to connect to the Universal Consciousness and Intelligence, they then became Light Being sending energy that cools and heals. This is what God calls us for and is written in Spiritual Scriptures. We are called to become Light Beings, that spread peace and transfer Life and Light into the System. This is what HOLY SPIRIT is doing. The importance of Spiritual movements comes here.
God’s Conscious and Intelligent field has Seven Levels. This is best described in Indian philosophy in terms of 7 Chakras. Bible speaks it in terms of seven-day creation. The lowest level is material, and the second and third are flesh and Organic [food] that sustains the flesh. The fourth is the first of the Spiritual levels. Thus comes the importance of NEW LIFE in the Spirit of God.
I see religion built in the name of Jesus Christ as the harbinger of all evil minds. It is full of hypocrites. Nothing has changed in the physical realm from the days of Jesus. The physical realm is still under the same Old religion-political deteriorated minds that are enslaved to money and material aspects. They build nexus with kings/politicians and the rich, intending to advance monetarily and materially. They enslave people, ensure a number such they influence the Power Centers. The recent trend points to them trying to take over democratic countries and thus nullify God-given freedom.
Evil minds operating in Christianity have held humanity in the lowest three realms of Universal Consciousness. It is resisting humanity shifting to the fourth, fifth, and higher dimensions.
A shift to higher dimensions began in the first decade of the last century in the form of the Pentecostal Movement. However, the religion called Christianity has been resisting it tooth and nail. This movement has taken the form of New Age Spirituality.
Bible says Satan is cunning and can creep into any mind and take control of it. It takes the advantage of human weakness for money and material aspects. Thus spiritual movement has turned into Material Prosperity Gospel and History is repeating itself. People who are anointed by the Spirit of God are falling and failing to evolve to the Purpose of Great Sacrifice.
The Great Sacrifice was done to restore the Kingdom of God on Earth. It was done to give back the knowledge and wisdom of Life, Nature, and God that we lost in Time.
Only this can save the world from an impending disaster. The failure exists in the people who are working in the Spiritual Realm. I am not Judging any anointed spiritual leaders. I salute all who have transformed even One Soul and given him New Life. But I speak caution, for Judgment speak many finding at the back and nearly 50% finding the door shutting against them.
The Good News is the Divine Plan of Salvation is unbreakable and it is growing from within. It will thrive over the evil in an appointed time. It is this hope that makes me hang on with my conscious call against many odds.
In a world where Selflessness has no value, where money, car, house, contact with people in seats of power are measured as the success of Life, than being in contact with the Creator force, I stand alone with my back to the wall. The wall is Jesus, so I have a reason for Hope. I will see the Kingdom of God manifest on Earth.
God-consciousness and intelligence will tear the veils and emerge to bring Light and Life at an Appointed Time. God's Consciousness will Split to start a New Time Cycle. The sword of Judgement will splice those who are working in the Spiritual Realm First. That should be a caution for all who are working in this realm. The period of Grace is not going to last forever.
15] Conclusion
Science outside-in approach to Truth and God. It has ended in a Blackhole. Their failure to know the Truth of Creation and Existence is becoming costly. The applied aspects of their partial work are being exploited by the Evil minds ruling the world. It is making Earth into Hell-Fire. The exponentially increasing heat of the environment is making the earth fragile and is leading to Biosphere Collapse.
The failure of science to evolve to know the truth is helping the return of evil hypocritical religious people. It is creating religious friction and threatening the democratic world. In short, the evils minds are rising as never before, making Earth a Battle Field of Hate and War. There is an immediate need to evolve Science and Religions such that one knows the Truth of Life, Nature, and Our oneness in One God in simplicity
God is an inseparable reality. Religions are important, however, they have only resistive value, in a world that is prone to deterioration under the influence of time. It has no Creative or Restorative Value. Here comes the importance of the Great Sacrifice and the Call.
The Universe is Conscious and intelligent we are simply an individuated part of it. The problem with our society is that we have lost touch with not only Universal Consciousness and Intelligence but our consciousness and intelligence. We live mind and material-centered Life. We have allowed intelligent evil Hearts and Minds to rule us undercover.
A Child in the womb is maximally conscious and intelligent, and so too the New Born. However, the moment it is born we speak religion and separation into his ears. Then begins a journey of conditioning the human mind, in Churches, mosques, and such schools. The conditioning of the mind continues in educational institutions follows. Many philosophers and thinkers have spoken about how our society kills a Child’s Intelligence.
What we need the most in our global society is a Generation that is Connected to Consciousness and intelligence and walks the path of Love, Truth, and Justice, without compromising it. We need to become humans first and be worthy of Earth before speaking of buying tickets to heaven. We need to beware of people who sell tickets to heaven.
The above point should be followed by developing New Technologies to support our mechanical and Informational world. As such, we are releasing an exponentially increasing amount of heat into the environment and we pushed the Earth to breaking point. The living system gives the clues and our young generation can develop it in quick time, once the Fundamental Shift in Thinking occurs.
The Universe is non-linear and living. Non-linear Science tells us that as the system tends into a Great Disorder, a GREAT ATTRACTOR STATE develops in the system, and the system collapses into New Order around it. This Attractor State is the Spirit of God – The rest is details
17] Three Critical Concluding Points
1] Our material-based technologies that are driving the present society are adding exponentially increasing amounts of heat. Earth can no longer stand it. We are in for huge climatic catastrophes as never seen before. The huge fluctuation of energy in the vertical realm can even break down our electric grids and information grids creating chaos. The only way out is to bring a shift in technologies based on life. The knowledge of Black Hole and White Hole Pair can help.
2] Most important need of the hour is a Shift in Thinking and Lifestyles. We need to come out of the bondage of religions, know our oneness, and develop a culture and lifestyle based on Consciousness and Intelligence and a life that is aligned with Universal Consciousness and Intelligence or God.
3] Consciousness is the Foundational Field of Life and the Universe. God Force works rise to Human Consciousness and Intelligence. There is an opposite Force to it, which works to resist humanity becoming Conscious and Intelligence and aligning with Life Force. It exploits human weakness for material aspects.
Our gateway to heaven is aligning with Selfless Genes, not with Selfish Genes.
Please forward and circulate and Awaken
Also Read - Is Christianity and Christian Nations Mocking the Great Sacrifice and Exploiting His Grace
Yes is the Answer
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