Monday, January 11, 2021

Does God Exist? - How He Creates and Sustains the Universe?


Does God Exist?

If so, what is His Nature, and How He Creates and Sustains the Universe?

Point to Think 2021 -12 Jan



This is a Great Question. Every sensible mind living in the modern scientific world should ask.

The modern scientific world does not believe in God. If anyone says God, the scientific world would ask to bottle Him to some mathematical equations and prove. The scientific approach of science to know Truth has limitations. Many great scientists, philosophers have expressed it. The other way out is to EXPERIENCE Him and logically argue His existence. Many have done it. However, science fails to take it. Here, I an atheist/scientist attempt at it, at a critical point in the History of Time.  

We as an individual are born out of love of parallel worlds- male and female. There is a spiritual and physical aspect tied to it. There is a PURPOSE behind it. The Purpose is to conquer time and exist - The rest is details. Love is feeling, which science does not but is the most basic aspect of Nature. The physical aspect combined with it makes it difficult to comprehend.

The world of science visualizes the universe as material. It has kept aside Love, life, and our role in the universe. It has engaged in breaking the physical.  Even our knowledge of Life comes from the investigation into a dead body. Yes, it has achieved much and exists with an accompanied ego.  It is not going to accept the importance of Love and Life Force. One must note Science is a new quest to know Truth. It took birth against hypocritical religious institutions and their exploitations of the common man. They are not going to concede easily to bringing God back into it.

The Good News is that posts Max Planck and Einstein, Life, Mind, God has made inroads into science.  During the same period as Max Plank and Einstein, a spiritual awakening occurred in the Spiritual front, independent of a deteriorated religious organization, which has grown in parallel to science. Both science and Spirituality exist in a highly evolved state, but in the absence of Truth, it is becoming only feed to evil minds that rule Earth and Humanity.

My stand on God and Changes in it

God's concept is something impregnated into our minds. The seeds of atheism came in me as a child when I saw bloodshed in the name of God and had a divisive experience in the name of religion that denied me some quality time with my friends. In time, it led me to conclude, “God is the invention of the intelligent to rule the ignorant”.


As I entered an adolescent period of my life, my mind was drawn into the distractive vortex of society, such as movies, drinking, smoking, girls, and –so on---. It is when I passed out from the University that a need to take a profession, earn and settle in life came in. In short, the social instinct of taking responsibility for once Home came in. At this point, I realized that a 9 to 5 mechanical job does not fit me. Thus, I ended taking a research career, hoping to contribute something to Humanity in the process of leading my life.

Though I had a chosen plan, destiny ended me in an unrecognized lab that belonged to a priest, who had some funds from the government on an important [commercial] but difficult cloning project. He had little time to attend to the project; no student was willing to join an unrecognized lab. He spoke to me about Einstein Mendel and so on who worked independently of temples of science and rose to be great people in science. I took up the challenge.

I worked nearly 2 years of day and night trying to make small pieces of tissues to come to life in test tubes, but I was making no progress. I was thinking of giving up. I took a week’s break with a couple of philosophical books on life in hand.  That turned the table. I threw the traditional approach and paths, and began to look to Nature and Life, and began to design experiments myself.  Everything I touched began to give results quickly.  

With success, lucrative offers from multinational companies came forth. With it, I also was exposed to the dark side of the human mind and society in general, which cheats and exploits others for the advancement of self.  It was a turbulent period of my life. Going deep into life and nature, I was also exposed to foundational flaws on which I am working. I realized I was interfering with life and its natural progression to adapt and live. I realized that our knowledge of Life and Nature is quite inferior and incomplete.  It disturbed my consciousness, I could feel Life and Nature calling me to come deep and know her. I tried to come back to the academic line, eventually, I revolted to stay with my consciousness than compromising it, for the sake of a Ph.D. and an academic position. I threw up my doctoral thesis on the eve of submission of my thesis and walked out free to start a New Chapter, in freedom in Nature. 

Dwelling deep into life, Nature, and society of which I am part, I had to change my stand on God. I adopted Voltaire’s stand “If there is no God – we need to invent one”. This appealed to me because without a Reference or Constant no search is possible. I began to dwell deep into the concepts of science. I dropped my aversion to religion and began to read spiritual scriptures. I began to feel substance in it.  The concept of Creation, Origin, Big Bang Theory began to attract me. However, all attempts to know it was like a “Dog trying to catch its tail”.

Then a new chapter opened. I happened to visit CHRISTIAN RETREAT CENTER. I went there as an observer but ended participating, when some philosophical thoughts surfaced, which reminded me that an observer is inferior to a person who experiences. I participated with the full attention of mind and heart.  Here I experienced New Birth in the Spirit of God.  My search for Truth took New Dimesons with a call “SEEK ME WITH THE MIND OF THE HEART”.

This consolidated my conscious call. It gave me a CONSTANT. I an atheist became a believer in God, Jesus, and His Spirit – the rest is details. The spirit began to give me an inside-out vision that turned simple, sensible, and comprehensible.


The Scientific Perspective

Let us now see how science has evolved to reintroduce the God concept. Einstein unfolded a spiritual backbone to matter. Recall E=m [C×C]. This means two light particles or Spirits make matter [atom] we see. Everything in nature from an atom, to the collection of atoms forming molecules, compounds even a living system similarly has a spiritual backbone. If the vision is extended it means, the whole universe has a spiritual backbone and everything related to it.

This spiritual world however turned unpredictable. Thus, science split into two worlds; the subatomic micro-world of particles and the macro world of the atom and the physical object that we see. The scientific quest to know the Origin and the manifestation of the Universe is largely determined by Einstein and his theory and visions. It led scientists to a Singularity in a Great Black Hole and BIG BANG origin from a SEED ATOM and SEED PARTICLE or GOD PARTICLE.  God Particle is the one which gives mass and energy to all other particles, atom, and the whole system. But scientists have failed to comprehend it.

It is impossible to comprehend the Big Bang.  Because

1] It is impossible to comprehend, all matter and energy winding to one atom and one particle. Further, science, which measures and quantifies everything fails here. Measurement and quantification call for a reference, singularity denies it.

2] Blackhole is known to destroy space-time, matter, and even energy. That leaves with NO CAUSE for origin. It leads to the greatest question “WHAT BANGED AT BIG BANG?”

Max Planck’s work speaks of UNIQUE ENERGY IDENTITY to particles, atoms, and systems. It is now widely used. It allows huge energy to be encompassed into a single particle. However, technically Einstein’s theory breaks down when extended backward in time [towards the center], and also forward in time [towards the periphery]. Einstein’s theory works between two limits. In other words, the concept of time became a stumbling block to Einstein’s theory. This led Einstein to look for a Second Field, Force, and mass that opposes gravity and time in the material world. He introduced it and retracted it when the observational proof came for expanding the universe. Today scientists have recorded that the universe is not only expanding but is expanding exponentially, thus making the situation more complex.

3] The Quantum Theory that deals with subatomic levels opposes Einstein’s theory. The modern world uses Quantum Theory widely. It also comes with its drawbacks. This subatomic world is a world of energy and particle. This is a world of Chaos, where probability rules. Non-linear scientists showed that a time direction does exist in a chaotic world. This has made explaining Big Bang sensibly all the more important. Non-linear scientists also showed that in a Chaotic system a spontaneous order could emerge around a “GREAT ATTRACTOR”.   The worldview now is that of “Chaos and Spontaneous Order”.  However, scientists fail to comprehend how this happens sensibly from Black Hole, from a Seed Atom and Seed Particle

Our world today is in deep chaos. Disorder, destruction is growing exponentially.  The environment has turned violent and has reached a collapsing point, the earth’s biosphere is collapsing. The individuals and the collective society in the absence of Truth of Life and its PURPOSE is restless and is highly disturbed. In such a situation people lean to God more and more. Thus we see religions becoming powerful and it is emerging as the greatest threat to Humanity.  Scientists tell us we are living in a black hole and it is tending to greater and greater disorder and darkness.  Scientists are desperately seeking WHITE HOLE to emerge from the black hole.

Non-linear scientists and Quantum scientists are seeking answers to how Quantum particle dances and how it can take up a huge amount of energy to cause a Big Bang and expansion.

The Biblical Perspective    

In this scenario, religious institutions and hypocritical minds in it have emerged to fish. They are striving to advance themself and their material and power motives. They are emerging as the GREATEST THREAT to HUMANITY.  I am taking the Biblical perspective because the west and its thinking dominate the world.

The western religion tells us that God is an unseen entity, which creates everything in seven days and He rules over it, eternally. This God is Supremely Conscious, intelligent, aware. It says God created us humans as male and female [Children] in His Image and gave humans the Dominion. This is associated with a RESISTANCE, not to fall or surrender to Dark Forces. This has to be interpreted as a resistance to disconnect from Creator Consciousness and Intelligence [Father] and once own consciousness and intelligence, and become slaves of Dark Forces coming in the name of God.

However, in time Children of God after several generations lose their identity and connectivity with the Creator [loss of memory]. The Biblical Preachers blames the Children of God for the fall of the Kingdom of God, but in reality, it is the failure of Spiritual Institutions and the people therein. Bible tells that the fall of the Kingdom of God comes from a Fallen Angel.  Thus the earth slips from light to darkness, from life to death. God thus is forced to act to Salvage and Restore His Kingdom through a Divine Plan. This plan is executed through Jesus and His Great Sacrifice. The Spirit of Jesus Released now can be visualized as the Creator Spirit and Sustainer. He could be visualized as the Source of Life, Truth, Knowledge, and Wisdom. We are yet to grow in this Spirit to know Truth. There is depth in spiritual scriptures, but it is deftly written, such that it unfolds slowly leading humanity back to Light and Life.

Truly interpreted Creation needs to be understood as Consciousness and Intelligence of the Creator Unfolding as a template, with free will to all souls from within the darkness of the Blackhole. In other words, the Spirit of Jesus is the White Hole that scientists seek. The time and death were conquered and New Time is conceived in a black hole in Calvary. It since then has been growing from within and is due to break the womb. What we are experiencing is the BIRTH PANGS of TRUTH.  The GOOD NEWS for the endangered world, where dark forces are growing as never before is that the victory for the Light, Life, and the Good is prewritten, which means we are poised to enter a Golden Age of Knowledge and Wisdom of Life.

Jesus and His Calvary's secret is Science, not religion. It is a way of Life.  Unfortunately, the religion called Christianity that is full of the same old hypocrites who killed Jesus are resisting the awakening of the world to the Truth of Jesus and the culture and civilizations that are far superior to them. The words of the Bible say Truth cannot be hidden. It is now a matter of time – The rest is details.

God’s Nature is Love and Truth – In singularity or dissolved state He is Love. The Singularity is a dissolved state or state of Creation. However, in Duality, He is Truth and He stands for Truth.  What we are experiencing is the Birth Pangs of Truth.  It is time for all of us to introspect and search our consciousness and cleans it as much as possible. Let us not be hypocritical.

The Calvary as Re-Creation and Restoration Science

As we step out of the lab and delink from all that is fed into our mind from religious institutions and education institutions with birth, we see life at the center of the physical world. All living systems instinctively work against Gravity and Time tends to Great Gravitational Collapse into a Blackhole. This collapse is inevitable. Black Hole is death, we all fear to enter this realm. No scientific instruments, not even light can enter it to bring a picture of what is happening in it.

Science fails here. But where Science fails Jesus and His spirit starts. Jesus is the conqueror of the Black Hole. He has conquered time and death and has created a pathway from Death to Life, with free will to all indestructible souls.  What the world needs is a comprehension of this Truth beyond religion.


The second law of Thermodynamics or Arrow of Time applied to the living system and material system shows this opposition.  This also means the earth where we reside is possibly the center of the Universe. It is not the Geometrical Center but appears as the off-centered vital center. It can be compared to the Heart of a Living Being. 


The spiritual scriptures both of the east and the west project a Living Universe. Much of modern science and developments in science is pointing towards it. Gaia hypothesis speaks it. The Earth and the Universe are self-organizing with no specific direction of time. However, this self-organization seems to break down and takes time direction when we include ADULT HUMANS. Adult humans live a mind-centered life. He lives a self-centered life.  He builds his life based on information fed by outside sources. In short, he takes the forbidden path. He fails to fathom within to know the PURPOSE of Life.  He fails to live. He lives digging His Grave.


The very idea “Created in HIS IMAGE”, tells us that, God should be sought within and in between. This exposes the fallacy of the Church. It calls us to look to the East and its Culture, where sages, sought Truth and God by Transcending the mind. The 18 missing years of Jesus’s Life speaks of his journey to the east, to grow spiritually and connect to God the Father and know the PURPOSE of His Life

Very clearly East had Great Knowledge and Culture, but it deteriorated in time, as the spiritual institutions and people therein developed Ego and lost connection with God’s conscious field.  Even today, many Sages are striving to know the Lost Truth, but they have failed. I see Jesus as the Greatest Sage, the One who conquered Death and has Created a path for Humanity to come out of the Bondage of Religion and see light and Life and experience the God Within and exalt Him. 

One must recall here Max Planck’s Quote “Mind is the Matrix of Matter’’ and Einstein’s great quote “I want to Know God’s Mind – the rest is details” and “God does not Play Dice”. The Outside-in pursuit of science has ended in Black Hole, with no cause for Origin and existence of the Universe. The Living Vision of the East similarly is not beyond time and Death. Knowing Death thus becomes critical to Knowing Life. It is here we discover Calvary as secret Creation and Restoration point with Free will to all Souls – The rest is details.

In summary, creation is the consciousness and intelligence of the Creator. Both the Father and Mother came together in Christ in Absolute Form as a Unique Case in the Great Universal Time Cycle. When Jesus went in pursuit of knowing His Father and Knowing the Purpose of His Life, He acquired the Power, Knowledge, and Wisdom of Life. The Greatness of Jesus comes from the fact that He accepted that torturous Death, to ensure the DIVINE PLAN of RESTORATION. The purpose of the Great Sacrifice is to liberate the souls that are caught in the net of dark forces and illuminate their minds. It is to conquer Time ad Death.

The world would have been different had Einstein the Jew, had looked to His God hung on Calvary, and had taken New Birth. The Mind of God or His thought cannot come to anyone unless His souls take New Birth and grow in the spiritual field of the Creator. This growth comes from the constant surrender of once ego, self, and motives. No one engaged in building Homes or Churches with self-centered motives will ever be able to evolve to Know Truth. In this sense, science is much superior to those who seek God and is attached to religion and its written scriptures.  It is disgusting to see more than 2.5 billion souls being held slaves at the base level of spirituality.   


Deep within the Bible and all spiritual scriptures is simple. It calls us to Experience the Love of God and take New Life, Wear the Armor of Truth, and walk the middle path of Justice. Love and Truth are the two wings and two basic pages of Spirituality – rest is details.  


The Calvary is the Big Bang point of Creation and Restoration. A time conquering and development of a new physical body and its initialization is ensured in the Divine Plan. There is no physical collapse. However, there is a spiritual shrinking and expansion. We are called to Transform and Translate into the New Body –The rest is details

 Further reading

1] The Black Hole Secret- The Purposeful Universe, its Creation, and Existence

2] Is the Universe a Conscious Mind?  – What is consciousness? – Are we living in Christ's consciousness? 



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